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New building regulations (new dwellings) April 2023

Building regulations update leaflet thumbnail

This is a short guide on the new regulations for Parts L, O and S as of 01/04/2023 following the regulation changes towards the end of 2022, focusing on new build dwellings. Any applications for new build dwellings after this date should comply with the new regulations. There is also a guide detailing the documentation required for a completion certificate when building a new dwelling.

Energy efficiency

There have been a some notable changes made to Part L:

  • Compliance with Part L is still based on SAP Compliance Calculations for both design and as-built, however now using software version 10.
  • The ‘Notional building’ has been updated. PV panelsa re now included.
  • There is a requirement for the use of high efficiency alternative systems to have been assessed. Assessment must have been documented for inspection if required.
  • A Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) report should be given to the owner and building control body. This should include a photographic record of the build quality. (further info found in Appendix B of AD L)
  • All new units should be air pressure tested. No longer just a sample.

EV charging

New build dwellings now require electric vehicle charging points to be provided.

Where there are more dwellings than parking spaces all parking spaces should be provided
with EV.

Where there are more parking spaces than dwellings at least 1 EV space per dwelling should be provided.

In addition to the above;

Where a building contains 10 or more dwellings and there are more spaces than dwellings cabling for future EV points to any spaces not covered by the above requirement should be provided. There are exemptions to this if the developer can prove it will cost over £3600 perpoint on average.


This document applies to new dwellings including rooms for residential purposes but not including hotels, hospitals, change of use or extensions. Compliance with Part O can be achieved by carrying out either the simplified method or thedynamic thermal modelling method (both detailedin AD O. Overheating and cooling information should beincluded in the owner’s package. A compliance checklist for designers to demonstrate compliance to building control bodies is also provided in Appendix B of AD O.


The new Part R regulations that came into effect on26/12/2022 now require that new build homes are built with gigabit-ready infrastructure and gigabit-capable connections as a part of the construction process. A model connectivity plan that may be used or adapted for submission to building control bodies can be found in Appendix B of AD R.

All you need to submit

How to achieve a completion certificate

The following checklist details all the necessary documents that are required to be submitted in order to receive a completion certificate.

  • Part A: Structure – Structural engineers package (calculations, drawings)
  • Part C: Resistance to moisture and contaminants – Site investigation report
  • Part E: Acoustics – Sound testing
  • Part F: Ventilation – Ventilation strategy to be linkedinto SAP calculations
  • Part G: Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency – Water efficiency calculations
  • Part H: Drainage – Severn Trent building over/close to agreement. Packaged treatment works
  • Part J: Combustion appliances and fuel storagesystems – Certification for installation of combustion appliances
  • Part L: Conservation of fuel and power – Dwelling emission rate calculations using standard assessment procedure (SAP) using software version 10. Air pressuretests. EPC. BREL report
  • Part O: Overheating – Provide details to show this will be managed either by simplified method or dynamic thermal modelling and provide compliance checklist
  • Part P: Electrical safety – Certification for installation of electrical appliances
  • Part R: Infrastructure for electronic communications – Connectivity plan

You can also download this information as a PDF leaflet.