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January 2024 newsletter

January 2024 newsletter thumbnail

Welcome to our newsletter. Firstly a Happy New Year we hope you enjoyed the festive season and well earned break. We would like to take the opportunity in thanking you for your business in 2023 and look forward to working with you in 2024.

2023: The year of change

As you are aware from our newsletter in October 2023, amendments to The Building Regulations 2010 have been made which came into force from 1 October.

2024: The year of implementation

Amendments made to the Building Regulations October 2023 are now well in affect and will continue to shape the building control industry. We would urge you to familiarise yourself with the changes if you haven’t already that were made as these will affect all applications subject to Building Regulations. The information can be viewed in the link above.

View the government correspondence on changes to the building control process.

A reminder on Dutyholder(s) roles and responsibilities

Changes to the legislation now introduces the role of the Dutyholder(s) and competency requirements for those parties involved to all building works (not just HRB). Client responsibilities for compliance will require them to ensure suitable arrangements are in place for the planning, managing and monitoring of the works being undertaken to meet the regulations. Dutyholder declarations were sent out previously, if you require a copy please contact us.

Regulations relating to Dutyholders (Regulations 11A-11Q) came in to force on 1 October 2023 and applies to all projects where an application was deposited after this date it may also affect projects where an application was submitted prior to this date. If your project has not started by 6 April 2024 then these regulation will apply to your project.

A new website coming soon

We are currently working on a new independent website for the Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Building Control Service which will contain information on the service we provide and links to supplementary information. Watch this space…


The BRE211 radon guide has been amended and a new version available. The information contained within this document now requires the use of a 1600gauge or 400microns thick radon membrane where an extension or new build is found to be within a radon area. It cannot be a recycled membrane. Therefore we will not be accepting a 1200gauge membrane as a suitable membrane for radon protection.

Any radon report for a new house will need to be site specific, a post code survey will be acceptable for extensions. The Radon maps have also been amended. View the maps and details on how to purchase a radon report.

As always, the team are here to help so please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance/guidance.

You can also download this newsletter as a PDF.