See the portfolio of commercial projects we have been involved with.
Overton House
- Site address: Overton House, Overton Road, Cheltenham.
- Works: Existing Villa: Change of use from care home (C2) to offices (B1). Alterations and upgrading works to include demolition of 1970s additions to the main villa and re-building to provide new circulation core and lift to give full wheelchair access to the existing building. Internal re-planning to reinstate original layout. Existing services stripped out and building fully re-serviced.
- Client: The Barnwood Trust
- Developer: E.G. Carter and Co Ltd
- Architect: Ferguson Mann Architects
- LABC Partnership: Plans vetted by Bristol City Council, inspections carried out by Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Building Control
60 St Georges Place
- Site address: 60 St Georges Place, Cheltenham.
- Works: Internal alterations/refurbishment to existing storage building to form office suites, 4 storey office extension to courtyard, associated external works including repairs to building facades.
- Client: Pearlbury Properties Ltd
- Project manager: The Walker Pritchard Partnership
- Developer: Barnwood Construction
- Architect: Roberts Limbrick Ltd