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April 2024 newsletter

April 2024 newsletter thumbnail

Welcome to our newsletter, the deadline for change is upon us. Please read the newsletter for information on some of the biggest changes happening across the industry. Please also note that our Spring Seminar will be held later this year; for more information see below…

The Building Safety Regulator (BSR) extends the competence assessment period deadline

The previous deadline of 6April for all building control professionals to be registered with the BSR, has been extended by 12 weeks. This means that a building control professional, who is yet to receive confirmation that they are registered with the BSR can continue to operate until the 6July if they meet the following criteria:

  • they are an existing building control professional
  • they are registered as a class 1 registered building inspector (RBI) by 6 April 2024
  • they are enrolled in, and in the process of having your competency assessed through, one of the BSR approved competency assessment schemes by 6 April 2024
  • a scheme provider has not told them that they have not passed their competency assessment for a second time

The classes of registration consist of four distinct classes:

  • Class 1 – Trainee building inspector
  • Class 2 – Building inspector (split into a domestic and a general category)
  • Class 3 – Specialist building inspector
  • Class 4 – Building inspector (technical manager)

For further information see the inspector framework.

Standard and non- standard building(s)

As part of your application submission, you must now identify on the application form if a building or project is standard or non-standard. Only a Class 3 Registered Building Inspector (RBI) can undertake work on higher- risk buildings (HRBs) or non- standard buildings. The following examples are not exhaustive and are possible indicators of standard and non-standard buildings.

A standard building could cover common construction methods such as cavity masonry, timber frame, or solid masonry.

Non-standard builds could include those buildings not fitting the notional set of common and long-established building methods, for example, modular construction, panel systems, or cross-laminated timber. Additionally, the building design or method of construction may not follow the approved documents and/or any supporting standard(s) or code(s) that are directly referenced as part of the guidance in an approved document, during the building control approval process or during an inspection, for example a scheme that requires a fire engineered solution.

Consultation with the sewerage undertaker

A full plans application along with a full set of drawings to allow a plan check to be carried out is required where H4 of the Building Regulations 2010 applies. This means that where works are to excavate a new foundation for an extension or building, or underpinning is to be carried out within 3 metres of a public sewer, as shown on the sewerage undertaker’s maps, a consultation with the sewerage undertaker is required. Before any works have begun on site, the consultation must be carried out and a response received from the sewerage undertaker.

For further information please contact building control as per details below.

Site plans required at submission of application

A reminder that every application, building notice or full plans, that consists of an erection or extension of a building, must be submitted along with a site plan of no less than 1:1250. There are further requirements which can be found by reading Regulation 13 of the Building Regulations.

Download the LABC site inspection app

Make sure that you have the latest version installed. Download the LABC app now.

Cheltenham and Tewkesbury building control seminar

We will be holding a seminar in the Spring to discuss changes to the building regulations. The seminar will be held in the council chambers at the Municipal Offices, Cheltenham Borough Council. Please email if you would like to be added to the attendee list.

As always, the team are here to help so please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance or guidance.

You can also download this newsletter as a PDF.